What Are the Top Tips to Cut Down Food Waste in Ramadan

Food Waste

It makes sense that everyone would eat less when fasting. The reality, however, demands otherwise. Food waste is more rampant than usual during the holy month of Ramadan, when Muslims worldwide fast from dawn to dusk. The holy month is the perfect time to start living a more thrifty and ecological lifestyle. So, let’s get started; one way that can help is to reduce food waste during Ramadan. Throwing away food is not just wasteful but also bad for the environment.

In a given year, food loss and waste generate four times as many emissions of greenhouse gases as air travel. Make sure to look for a large skip hire so you can dispose of your waste and keep the environment cleaner. 

What Regarding Food Waste Does Islam Say? 

Food waste is discouraged in Islam. “But waste not through excess, for Allah does not love the wasters,” declares Allah (SWT) in the Quran. Al-Araf, 7:31 

According to Sunan Ibn Majah, the Prophet (ﷺ) also stated, “A human being occupies no worse receptacle than his stomach,” and he urged the believers to refrain from breaking their fast by eating more than they are capable of.

Thus, we must pay attention to the amount of food we throw out, particularly during this month of reflective thinking and thankfulness. But during Ramadan, how can we cut down on the amount of food we squander daily?

Utilise Leftovers 

So why not use leftovers as a side or starter the following day’s iftar? Curries, fritters, and one-pot meals such as tagines (casserole dishes) can be supercharged with leftover meat and vegetables. Additionally, you might prepare a tasty shakshuka during a weekend treat by combining your leftover vegetables and flatbreads with eggs, even if spicy curries might not prove to be the best option for a suhoor dinner the following morning.


Sharing extra food with friends, family, or the neighbourhood is your second choice. Why not donate it to a homeless shelter, give it to your neighbours as a gesture of goodwill, or use one of the many food-sharing apps available to deliver your unwanted food to a local person in need? 

Make A Meal Plan In Advance

You may be more conscious of the items that are required and the amount sizes you are going to serve if you plan your meals ahead of time. You may prevent excessive food waste by having an organised strategy and avoiding overbuying and over-preparation.

Be Frugal And Just Purchase Necessities  

Make a list of the things you need and follow it when you go food shopping. Buy only that which you require for the food expenditures you intend to cook, and refrain from making impulsive purchases. Over time, this will help you save money and lessen food waste.

Properly Store Food  

Storage is another consideration and one of the most impactful ways to prevent food waste. Indeed, storing the vegetables and fruit separately and in airtight containers will help us extend the life of food and prevent spoilage. We can reduce the amount of food that we need to throw away and save money by doing this.

Put It In A Frozen State! 

It’s Ramadan, and we all know our families’ complaints about no variety during iftar, so if you think you will not be eating your leftover food later on, please freeze it for later.’ You can freeze a host of fruits and vegetables to keep them fresher, too.

As an alternative, preparing your meals in bulk and freezing them provides a fantastic method to use up extra ingredients and guarantee that you always have a supply of delectable meals.

Purchase The Unsightly Carrot 

Cartoons have instructed us to expect carrots to be streamlined, but this isn’t always the case. The majority are malformed, possibly squatter, and less gregarious than you might think. Despite being just as nutrient-dense as their sleek counterparts, people typically reach past these carrots when they encounter them on shelves. 

The supermarket might discard these carrots when they decay. For the majority of produce, the same holds. Therefore, pick the ugly carrot—or banana, pepper, or whatever other produce you like—if you want to reduce food waste at the merchant level.

Avoid Shopping While Hungry 

You know what they say, ”Especially when you’re hungry, your eyes are bigger than your stomach.” When you shop for groceries or food when you feel hungry, they often lead you to buy more than you can eat before they go bad. Try to shop early in the morning or after the iftar. Making a grocery list when you’re full and following it will allow you to shop whenever you can.

Give Away Extra Food 

Lastly, one excellent method to prevent food waste and assist people in need is to donate extra food. We can help the less fortunate and have a beneficial influence on our communities by donating extra food.

Final Words:

In conclusion, Ramadan is a time of spiritual growth and self-reflection. But it’s also a time to reflect on how we impact our communities and our planet. Minimising food waste in Ramadan is one way we can create and see environmental sustainability, as well as show our appreciation to Allah (SWT) and support for those in need.

Also, read: How to Save Money on Commercial Waste Disposal?

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